A woman who was pregnant by a robot gave birth to 2 children- The robot is determined to become a daily friend of humans. Technology companies are testing robots with new features every day.
The process of increasing the range of robots to help human work continues. Meanwhile, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) has further expanded the robot’s capabilities.
In a report published by MIT recently, information has been given about such a robot, which helped a woman to get pregnant.
In this process, which was completed in Barcelona, Spain, engineer Eduard Alba used a small IVF (IVF) injection carrying sperm cells to deposit the sperm into the woman’s testicles.
This new-style fertilization robot, created by startup company Overture Life, will help women get pregnant using in-vitro fertilization, or IVF, in a cheaper and more accessible way.
In this process, an egg is removed from the woman’s ovary and fertilized with a man’s sperm in the laboratory. This is the first successful work. It is believed to help many childless parents.
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